The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Juman Hijab
About 10. Summary of Module II

Because of the rules that an electron must follow, the electron is most comfortable following short arcs (geodesics) that follow tetrahedral vertices. In this way, each electron minimizes its kinetic energy. With this system, an electron is found three times more frequently on each of the vertices of the tetrahedron than it is on the great circle paths. These are the electron bench points for two electrons in a defined energy shell.

Soap bubble - double reflection

A spherical cocoon of electrons

Because electrons are ultrafast and moving in a defined energy shell, they create a cloud of electrons around the nucleus. 

What the nucleus “feels” is a spherical cocoon of electrons that are humming continuously in the atmosphere above it. 

What we “feel” in our real world time frame - if we could touch that blur of electrons - is a "solid" layer of electrons in an s-orbital encircling the nucleus.

Shortest distance paths

However,  even with this ultrafast travel, electrons continue to look for ways to minimize their kinetic energy. The easiest way of doing this is through choosing shorter distance paths. 

On a sphere, the shortest distance between two points is that which follows one of the great circles of the sphere (geodesic).  An electron will move from one geodesic to the next looking for that which has the shortest distance between two points. If it bumps into an arc that is longer, it will revert back to one of the shorter arcs.

Creating electron bench points

When there are two electrons in an energy shell, they have multiple options to decrease their kinetic energy. However, there are rules that electrons must abide with. Article 8 describes that the best way for two electrons to follow the rules is for the electrons to move along arcs between the vertices of a tetrahedron.

When we have great circle geodesics that encircle a tetrahedron's edges, there will be a superimposition and clustering of points where multiple great circles meet. These are the electron bench points

great circles around tetrahedron

great circles around tetrahedron

In a tetrahedron, a vertex is touched 3 times given the convergence of 3 great circles at each vertex. This is shown in the attached diagram. We have shown only three of the great circles encircling 3 of the 6 edges of a tetrahedron (to simplify the diagram). One can see from the diagram that one of the vertices (the top right one) has a convergence of 3 arcs at that point. 

Some bench points are more favorable than others.  In the next (and last) module, I will show that not all electron bench points are created equal. 

Picture credits: 

  1. By Vink Fan. Glowing lines and creative geometries, 3d rendering. Computer digital drawing, ID: 1554692297.
  2. Rene Mensen. Double reflection, Taken on March 9, 2014. 
  3. Grafixo. Geodesics along the edges of a tetrahedron. Three great circles shown converging at one vertex, uploaded Nov 2021.
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